Samuel Black
Samuel Black's Photo

Samuel Black is the pen name of Joseph S. Spence, Sr. Joseph is an author, educator, family man and poet. He is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, a Goodwill Ambassador from the State of Arkansas, and is the inventor of the Epulaeryu Poetry Form. He is a recipient of the 2006 Commemorative Poetry Medal Award from the International Library of Poetry for his contribution to the community during Poetry Month 2006. He loves to write and recite poetry.

Spence has participated in many open mic and poetry slam events. Many audiences in different communities have been electrified by his poetry recitals and readings. This poet has conducted various poetry workshops and has judged many poetry contests. Spence is the co-author of a book of poetry entitled, A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body, and Soul(Winner of 2009 Best Christian Poetry Award by Christian Story Tellers). His poetry has been published in various forums. His belief is that poetry is one of the best ways to convey thoughts and move the mind of an individual to a higher state of thinking and relaxation. He is currently working on a third poetry book. His webpage is or

You can contact Mr. Spence via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Samuel Black


African Village Nice Breakfast (Tanka)
B. B. King Plays The Blues
Catfish Delight (Epulaeryu)
Crispus Attucks Melody…American Liberty
Drivin While Black
Family Reunion Get Down (Epulaeryu)
Heads Up (Seventh Heaven)
I Like Living Life...(My Living Tropical Fascination)
Innovation Invigorates Inspiration
James Brown Trilogy (Senryu Series)
Louis Armstrong Jazz Horn
Michael Jackson "Gone Too Soon" (Seventh Heaven)
Michael's Moon Walk (Linking Contemporary Sonnet)
Natural Ebony Matrimonial Bliss
Racial Profiling Trilogy (Senryu Series)
Regga Trilogy (Senryu Series)
Remember Others - - Willie
Rosa Parks Scenic Seating
Sing That Song...
Sista (Haiku)
So Near Yet So Far
Special Prayer For Victims Of Katrina
Strong Black Man LIke You
The Middle Passage
The Puzzle of Christmas
The Spirit of Rosa Parks
The Windows of Life.... (I See New Light)


African-American Ministers Becoming Political Leaders
Burning of Greenwood, Oklahoma - The Black Wall Street
Definition of Epulaeryu Poetry - Part One (The Name)
Diane's Nonverbal Dialogue, Upstate New York, 2007
Life and Times of Brother Thelonious Monk
"Sicko" and The Health Care Impact
The Harlem Renaissance Poets and Musicians

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