“Black man shot by police!”
“Another black man shot by police!”
“Another black man shot…”
“Another black man....”
“Another black....”
It sinks into your sub-conscious,
until you, yourself start to believe
that black bodies are disposable.
They make you believe it
because the youth is impressionable.
It’s all you see.
No one planted the seed that
made you challenge that belief.
And now, when you look in the mirror,
there stands, “Another Black man.”
And when another black man disrespect you,
your anger puts you in a state of unrest
because it’s an emotion you never learned
to express.
So you go with what you did learn,
“Another black man shot!”
He mirrors the Innocence
that you forgot.
He mirrors the part of yourself that you learned to hate, and so
you pull the trigger to relieve that weight.
But maybe that is their plan,
to get you to do the job.
Kill two beautiful birds with
one stone.
Him, 6 feet under, and you
25 to life, and
all alone.